To protect your child, the staff, and the other children, we request that your child not be brought to the center when any of the following occur:
The child shows any one of the following symptoms:
- Red, puffy, draining, itchy or burning eyes
- sluggishness or unusual drowsiness without explanation
- extreme irritability or inconsolability
- difficulty with breathing
- diarrhea
- blood or mucus in stool
- vomiting
- mouth sores or drooling
- unexplained rash
The child has an oral temperature of 101°F or more.
The child cannot participate comfortably in routine activities.
The child needs more care than the staff can give while they care for the other children.
Teachers will give a verbal and/or written communication to parent if they believe a child may not be feeling well. We provide this information so you can obtain appropriate treatment and/or plan for the possibility of your child needing to stay home. If we send a child home sick (i.e., with any of the above symptoms), the observation form will indicate that the child should not return to the center until he or she is well or being treated by a physician and meets our other criteria for particular illnesses.
We post notices on the parent information boards when children have been exposed to any communicable disease. We will care for a child that has symptoms of a communicable disease until a parent or authorized adult arrives.
After leaving a Center ill,
a child must be free of symptoms and fever for 24 hours before returning to the Center.
A child may return after being on an antibiotic for 24 hours if they are feeling better. All parents must have emergency plans established to care for ill children.
If your child needs to take medication while at the center, please review our
Medication Policy and complete a
Medication Release Form.