Kid Builders has great concern for the health and safety of the parents, staff and children as they travel to and from the center, particularly in winter. We are also concerned about the safety of staff and children while they are in the center. On days that the local Community Schools close for inclement weather or dangerous temperatures, or if there is a power outage or other “disaster” beyond our control, we will notify parents of a closure. Details are included in our parent handbook.
During emergency situations, our priority will be caring for children and making sure they are safe and feeling secure.
Parents should call the center if they are not planning to come so we may accommodate other children needing care.
Other Questions Answered:
My child is not feeling well, can you keep him inside today?
Children need to be well enough to participate in all facets of our program to come to the center. If your child has a chronic illness that is affected by being outdoors, bring specific written instructions from your doctor to discuss with the director.
I don’t want my child going out in this cold/wet weather because it will make her sick.
Weather doesn’t make children sick, germs do. There is actually a lower concentration of germs outdoors than inside! That said, severe weather can lower people’s immunity if they are not properly dressed. If you forget your child’s gear one day, we have spares to keep them comfortable and dry. Your child, though, will prefer wearing his own gear.