Parents must sign a Product Application Form upon enrollment & yearly there after. Kid Builders will ask for all parents to donate 1 bottle of sunscreen at the beginning of the sunny season. Sunscreen should be water resistant, continuos spray, and have a SPF of at least 50. Teachers will apply sunscreen to children prior to going outside. Parents whose children need a specific brand of sunscreen because of allergies or other medical reasons must provide their own sunscreen with a doctor’s note and medication permission form. Special sunscreen must be labeled with the child’s name and used only by that child. Staff will post a notice to this effect in the classroom.
Staff will follow these procedures:
- Apply sunscreen during the months of March through October and other times when the sun seems intense.
- Apply sunscreen in the morning and afternoon and anytime necessary in between, preferably ½ hour prior to exposure.
- Apply sunscreen liberally, with special attention to cheeks, shoulders, backs of legs and upper arms.
- Apply sunscreen before and after water play.
- Do not apply sunscreen to infants under 12 months of age unless specified in writing by a parent.
- Do not apply sunscreen to toddlers hands or close to children’s eyes.
- School-age children may apply sunscreen to themselves with adult supervision.